2024 Weekend October 24-26

Wickwire Weekend Oct 24-26. All Profits will be going into our Active Travel Funds for leadership training opportunities.

Thursday Night 7-10PM: $0 (Pay as you go) Durty Nellys, music and brotherhood

Friday 830-10AM- Recruiting session with actives/ coffee on campus. $0

Friday Lunch: Pay as you go, location to be finalized

Friday Night: 530PM- 8:00 PM HaliMac Axe Throwing (1920 Brunswick St beside 2 Crows)- $25/ person includes axing and light snacks- Families are welcome including kids, yes, I said kids! they have smaller axes to throw.. There is archery, axes and splatter room. If you want splatter room, please bring clothes that can get dirty!

Post 8 PM event to be booked

Saturday AM Ritual Meeting- 10AM-1PM-Marriott Courtyard

Saturday Lunch- On your own

Saturday Night- 6 PM- 9PM Awards Reception at Hide & Seek (upstairs at the liqourdome, door immediately across the road from Freeman’s Pizza on Grafton St.). Awards include the Roll Call of Distinction, a Distinguished Alumni Chat, Semi Century Sigs and More. Food will be passed Hors D’heuvres.

$125 Single/ $200 Couple for the weekend.. $25 just for Axe Throwing..

To Pay- PLease send E Transfer to Scott Christie (scott.christie@rbc.com), confirm attendance numbers and whether kids are coming to the axe event. Also email novascotiafinlayson@gmail.com with same information.

Hotel Bookings at Courtyard MArriott- $209/ night open until September 24.


Summer 2023 was a hoot

It has been an amazing year for the Alum! We attended Grand Chapter with over 25 brothers meeting in Toronto for the event. The 90th drew over 150 people over the course of the weekend. Weekly socials were held and walking lunches to keep our brothers healthy and social. Our annual Alumni Boat Tour of the Arm was held and several other events around Hfx Wanderers, downtown establishments and other less formal events.

Your Alumni Chapter also donated over $4000 to active chapter travel to KLTW and Grand Chapter.

We are now transitioning into supporting the active chapter with new mentoring programs- formal and informal- recruitment and rebooting our Alumni Membership and Networking programs to ensure we have plenty of bank to support future travel and scholarship needs. If you are interested in supporting, we need help on membership drive, online presence, marketing and active support! Contact any of the alumni on the site or Facebook to assist.

Three Gamma Rho Brothers honoured at Grand Chapter

Gamma Rho hit an unprecedented triple at Grand Chapter in Toronto in June.

Brother Tony Sanderson ’97 was awarded the Order of Constantine. Awarded in front of a couple hundred brothers and over 20 Gamma Rho’s, he joined the highest Order in our Fraternity.

Brother Scott Christie ’88 was awarded the Outstanding Alumni Chapter Officer for the whole Fraternity, becoming our first alumni to receive the award. His award came for longstanding service to Gamma Rho and in particular leadership and growth since the pandemic.

Brother Dave Finlayson ’98 was awarded the 7 Lights award as one of 16 winners in the Fraternity for exemplary service with a minimum of 20 years. Dave’s work with Anniversary celebrations, awards, events and as past President for the chapter was recognized.

Anthony Sanderson ’94 awarded Order of Constantine

We are very proud to welcome Brother Anthony Sanderson into the Order of Constantine. The order is the highest honour we can give a Sigma Chi who has committed years of exemplary service to the Fraternity. He joins Eric Thomson ’68 and Jim Lawley ’79 as brothers initiated at Gamma Rho to join the order. We also claim Al Williams (Western) on our team due to his hard work at our local level. Thanks to Shawn P. George (Past Grand Praetor/ Order member), Scott Christie (Past Alumni Chapter President) and Michael Ursillo (Past Grand Consule/ Order member) for writing amazing letters of reference.

A few of the notes from his nomination letters:

“He proved himself early in his career, as an excellent recruiter for the Fraternity and a community advocate for fundraising. He is one of the key contributors to Sigma Chi in Halifax for over 25 years and a great many brothers have either joined because of his efforts or come back as an alumnus due to his persistence. It is not an overstatement to say that without Tony’s efforts over the years, Gamma Rho would not be in as good a shape as it is today.”SG

“He is a creator. He conceived of and launched the Wickwire Weekend, pulling together over 50 brothers during quiet time for the chapter. In our work together, he shows consideration for all participants and makes sure that new and established brothers share in the festivities. Tony’s work pulling together our Sweetheart Ball each year is important and he is crucial to our team. We trust him to get things done and ensure great attendance.” SC

“There is no area of chapter or alumni life which he has not touched as a transformational leader in support of Gamma Rho including recruitment, fundraising, chapter support, and communications, among others.Tony is a very worthy candidate fo ~his noble honor. His love for and commitment to Sigma Chi is worthy of emulation wholeheartedly endorse him for this honor.”MU

To see the other new members: https://sigmachi.org/fraternity-announces-its-2023-order-of-constantine-inductees/

Brothers, much more to come.. please reach out to Tony and share the love! He will be formally accepting his award at the 90th and will be attending Grand Chapter.