2024 Weekend October 24-26

Wickwire Weekend Oct 24-26. All Profits will be going into our Active Travel Funds for leadership training opportunities.

Thursday Night 7-10PM: $0 (Pay as you go) Durty Nellys, music and brotherhood

Friday 830-10AM- Recruiting session with actives/ coffee on campus. $0

Friday Lunch: Pay as you go, location to be finalized

Friday Night: 530PM- 8:00 PM HaliMac Axe Throwing (1920 Brunswick St beside 2 Crows)- $25/ person includes axing and light snacks- Families are welcome including kids, yes, I said kids! they have smaller axes to throw.. There is archery, axes and splatter room. If you want splatter room, please bring clothes that can get dirty!

Post 8 PM event to be booked

Saturday AM Ritual Meeting- 10AM-1PM-Marriott Courtyard

Saturday Lunch- On your own

Saturday Night- 6 PM- 9PM Awards Reception at Hide & Seek (upstairs at the liqourdome, door immediately across the road from Freeman’s Pizza on Grafton St.). Awards include the Roll Call of Distinction, a Distinguished Alumni Chat, Semi Century Sigs and More. Food will be passed Hors D’heuvres.

$125 Single/ $200 Couple for the weekend.. $25 just for Axe Throwing..

To Pay- PLease send E Transfer to Scott Christie (scott.christie@rbc.com), confirm attendance numbers and whether kids are coming to the axe event. Also email novascotiafinlayson@gmail.com with same information.

Hotel Bookings at Courtyard MArriott- $209/ night open until September 24.


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